Welcome my friend,

I believe we are all meant to shine. To feel absolutely lit up and whole-heartedly connected to who you are at your core. To live a life that energizes and inspires you to make an impact in the world with your brilliance, gifts, and mission.

I’m Nikki Norenberg, your certified mover, shaker and dream maker! As a Self-Discovery Coach, Purpose Activator and Intuitive, I am multi-passionate about showing people the magic that already lives inside of them and helping them share that with the world. Because when we shine our brightest, we help others shine too - and that just simply makes the world a better place!

 “That is the point of life, isn’t it?

To be fully ourselves, and share that joy with others.”


I’m so glad you’re here…

As someone who has worn many hats, lived in different locations and tried a multitude of career paths, I know how confusing it can be to live a life that doesn’t feel like it fits. I spent most of my years spinning, trying to find the answer to “who am I” and “what am I meant to do with my life” , but all it lead to was more stress and a dead end. It wasn’t until I really tuned in, explored the corners of my soul, and started experimenting with my curiosities that I started to see crystal clear. Who I have always been, and what I was always meant to do. And from that point forward, my whole life opened up, and my mission was born.


ways to step into your vibrant life

  • Experience personal transformation alongside a like-minded community of visionaries just like you!

  • Work closely alongside me as your guide for 3 or 6 months on a personalized journey inside of your mind, body & soul.

  • A unique 60-minute intuitive reading + coaching session customized to support you in your journey to finding more clarity around what is holding you back, discover the path you’re meant to follow, and connect you to your soul’s purpose.

  • Self-guided, pre-recorded learnings and transformational experiences to start you on your vibrant journey.

  • Personalized transformational experiences to fit your audience’s needs.

  • Join me every week for both digital and in-personal movement experiences to connect you to you mind+body+soul.